LCM - London Collections Men - Autumn/Winter 2016
Daniel Edmund - Milk For Tea
I recently had the privilege of being invited to accompany Milk For tea at LCM. Myself, Daniel and Eshiva the fashion focused economics student from Heriot-watts took to the cobbles and checked out some great collections over the weekend.
Starting off at the Hoxton for the Pretty Green show/Jack Daniels infused party was a great place to get started with Jimi Hendrix inspired collection, some great pieces and a good place to dip our toes.
Unfortunately due to poor health I wasn't able to Join the team on the Saturday but returned on Sunday which saw the involvement of Dion who had stopped via London on his way from the U.S to Paris and had bumped into Eshiva along the way.
We started the day off with the Baartmans & Siegel collection with some very stylish pieces and the involvement of a good amount of faux fur being donned by a female contingent I had not expected to see at LCM. I did feel the collection was slightly let down by the row of gents to the rear wearing long beige jackets that felt like an after thought in relation to the rest of the collection. Also the rather unnecessary blocks of moulded plaster littering the floor were an inconvenient trip hazard whilst navigating the crowd.
Following this we ventured down the road to check out the Chester Barrie collection, stopping along the way to take some shots of Daniel (see above). Chester Barrie had put on a rather glamorous red carpet themed event with a great array of suits albeit lit rather harshly with some cinematic styled spotlights which meant a lot of harsh lighting and copious amounts of interfering shadows. The upside however was that Daniel had the chance to not only meet but take to one side David Gandy to talk about Milk For Tea and his recent TEDx Speech inspired in part by the man himself!
Finally we finished off the event with Duchamp, one of my favourite events for lighting and general feel. My only criticism is that every time the models left only to return is that they resumed the same positions on the stairs to which they were located meaning some were constantly tucked away from view, leaving the best pieces always at the front.
The collection was built up of smart and formal wear with a coherent blend of earthy colour and moderately reserved style in a sense that it didn't offended the eye however stepped outside the boundaries of quiet taste with pieces such as the blue floral blazer.
The weekend was a great experience for my first London fashion event hopefully the start of many more to come and thank you to Daniel for your warm invite.